Just a quick note: Tweetbot was apparently cut off. Without it, there is no Twitter (for me). I won't use the official client with its algorithmic timeline, ads, tracking, and collection of dark patterns. So, here's my Mastodon account: @[email protected].
Summer in Greece. (Click to enlarge.)
Visiting Reensland
We stare stupefied, with exophthalmic eyes, at the monster’s launch campaign published in the already worn out issue of Lürzer's Archive we're holding with trembling hands: both the print ads’ photography and the TVCs’ direction are signed by this guy Richard Reens. Photographer, director and DOP — for an epic ad campaign like a sign of the times — all over the planet jaws dropped. Who is this guy?!?
BT Talks
Acum câteva zile am avut plăcerea să stau de vorbă cu Andi Moisescu în fața microfoanelor — am vorbit despre 20+ de ani de carieră, despre antreprenoriat, Brandient și design, anii petrecuți în advertising, Singapore și Asia, rebrandingul BT și altele.
Why my Coke is better than the President’s Coke
The most powerful politicians in the world — being fed crisis data by their state information machines — lagged behind, failing to see, to think, to understand the pandemic dynamics. Data flowed free, for everyone to see. But not for them.
On stage she’s a force of nature charged with blinding intensity. Off stage she’s a sweet and delicate human being, blessed with irresistible charm and absolutely disarming kindness.
Romanian diacritic marks
Lack of standards, wrong standards and then slow adoption of good standards — no wonder the diacritics (ăĂ, âÂ, îÎ, șȘ, țȚ) turned into an endangered species. Magazine headlines, television supers and advertisements obliviously disseminate incorrect Romanian spelling, or non-Romanian letters.
Five thoughts for young designers
I left the Academy of Arts 25 years ago and I mostly practiced design since — with a short (by comparison) intermezzo in advertising. I spent a lot of time in 17 out of those 27 for hiring designers so I think I qualify to give some advice.